Wigmore Automatic Driving Lessons

Wigmore Automatic Driving Lessons

Wigmore Automatic Driving Lessons

Wigmore Automatic Driving Lessons  A great result for Molly from Wigmore near Gillingham Kent on passing her driving test on the first go on 5th September.
Molly originally started learning in a manual car but was struggling a little with it and after a recommendation by her Aunt, Molly decided to learn in an automatic car and came to Redy2Drive.
Having all the basic skills it was just a case of polishing everything up and getting some confidence and self belief she could succeed.
With her off to university very soon it was a challenge to get her sorted before she made the move. After managing to get a test swap she passed with a week to spare and already having her own car she will be able to get herself all organised before the big move. Wishing you all the best Molly from your driving instructor Dave Bond and all the team at Redy2Drive Driving School, Wigmore Automatic Driving Lessons www.redy2drive.co.uk