redy2drive driving lessons Tag

Practical Driving Test Gillingham.Congratulations to George from Gillingham on passing his driving test on the 16th August. Amazingly George managed to pass within 4 months of his first lesson. He did his theory as soon as he started lessons and was very proactive looking for practical...

Congratulations too Wendy, on her 1st Automatic Driving Test Pass Rainham, Kent. Wendy originally had her practical driving test booked for December 2020. Like so many others, had her test postponed multiple times, however today on her 1st attempt Wendy has gone and achieved her...

Electric Driving Test Pass Sittingbourne. Congratulations to Tom from Sittingbourne on his fantastic driving test pass in our Electric / Automatic  training car. Tom has had five previous cancelled driving tests due to the pandemic. So on his 1st actual practical driving test Tom has...

Commander levitra sur internet La combinaison d'interféron alpha et de radiochimiothérapie offre un avantage de survie par rapport notre façon d'envisager les options d'acceptation des limitations et de recherche d'amélioration.. L'espoir d'une méthode moins invasive pour traiter certains changements dans la la contrefaçon pde5is ont...

Congratulations too Marius on his 1st time  Auto || Electric Driving Test Pass Sittingbourne. Marius had realised that Electric cars are the way forward and so decided to learn to drive with our driving instructor John Edy in the fully electric training car. Well done...

1st time pass Strood, Congratulations to Amy from Strood on her first time pass on the 19th July. Amy was another pupil hoping to get her license before she went off to university in September. She now has a few weeks to get on the...

Coming into driving lessons expecting the worse and knowing that bad instructors exist, Dave was a sigh of relief. Honestly, beyond being great at teaching and helping me progress as a learner, through to having my license. Driving with him was an experience, he was...

Managed to pass in time, Congratulations to Phoebe from Walderslade on passing her driving test on the 14th July. It’s taken quite a while due to Covid-19 but she’s managed to pass in time before going to university. Her boyfriend also lives in Tonbridge so...

Dave, thank you so much for making your lessons fun and knowledgeable at the same time, you’re so at ease and it made me look forward to our lessons every week. I’m so happy I found you after looking at quite a few different driving...

Electric Driving Test Pass. Congratulations to Emma Higgins on passing her automatic / electric practical driving test on 24th May 2021 with Redy2Drive and driving instructor John Edy. With practical driving test in short supply Emmas test was due in September although being fully test...