Intensive Driving Test Pass

Intensive Driving Test Pass

Intensive Driving Test Pass

Intensive Driving Test Pass , Nice one Alfie on your 1st time driving test pass 10th November 2023. Earlier in the year Alfie came to Redy2Drive having been recommended to us by his girlfriend Maddie. As she had passed with Redy2Drive driving school in 2022. After the initial lesson it was clear to see Alfie would pick up the driving skills relatively easily. However with Alfie working full time, arranging weekly driving lessons was going to be difficult.

So our our driving instructor came up with a plan to run a mini intensive course of 20 hours. It did mean Alfie had to wait a few months to have the intensive course. Then the test  directly after  but it was well worth the wait. Today Alfie has had the drive of his life with just one driver fault and he now has his full UK driving licence. With his recently purchased car now sitting on the drive, we are sure it won’t be long before he has it insured and out on the road. Well done Alfie on a great result, wishing you all the best from your driving instructor John Edy and all the team at Redy2Drive Driving School. Intensive Driving Test Pass