Electric Driving Lesson Strood

Electric Driving Lesson Strood

Electric Driving Lesson Strood

Electric Driving Lesson Strood. Well done to Jamie from Strood on her first time pass on 5th June with an almost faultless drive.
It was clear from the start that Jamie would pick up the skills to pass her test very quickly.  After just twenty hours she had a near faultless test and this proved to be correct.
When she started lessons she was already a couple of months into her pregnancy. Jamie knew she had a battle on her hands to get her theory passed, practical test booked and passed. Thanks to Jamie looking for test cancellations she managed all of this with about a month to go before her baby arrives.
Already having a car at home gives her time to get used to driving on her own before she has her new baby on the back seat. We wish you all the best Jamie, from your driving instructor Dave Bond and all the team at Redy2Drive Driving Electric School Electric Driving Lesson Strood