Author: admin

From Nick…… Great driving instructor and value for money. Always on time and full length lessons. Easy to understand and prepared me well for my test, resulting in a first time pass. Would recommend him to anyone....

Congratulations too Nathan from Iwade near Sittingbourne on his practical electric- automatic driving test pass on 13th June 2022. With Nathan working shifts, he was having to rely on friends and colleagues to be able to get to and from work. Something had to change!...

Driving Test Pass Rainham(Kent) Congratulations to Matt from Rainham on passing his driving test on the 11th June on the first go with absolutely no driving faults. Matt had some lessons a few years ago but with his job travelling to different locations around Medway decided...

Driving Test Pass Shorne, Congratulations to Nick from Shorne on passing his his driving test at the first go on 9th June. Nick’s girlfriend lives on The Isle of Grain which isn’t the easiest place to get to when you haven’t got a license. His...

Learn to Drive Electric Sheppey. Guess what Courtney from Sheppey just did? She only went and passed her automatic practical driving test 1st time on 7th June 2022. Courtney originally started with us before lockdown and then had like many real issues in getting her...

Customer Review"My son and myself would like to thank Dave and Redy2Drive for their professionalism, commitment, care  and instruction which culminated in a driving test pass for Solomon. I would recommend this school of motoring to any parent of a seventeen year old. The service...

Automatic Driving Lessons Rainham, Congratulations to Lucy from Rainham on passing her driving test on the 3rd June with just two driving faults. Lucy had previously been unsuccessful with her last test and pressure was on her to pass as she’s a trainee midwife and getting...

Electric Driving Lesson Review by Christina.   "The entire experience was fantastic. It was a long journey because I started the lessons during Covid restrictions, but I cannot speak highly enough of John, the instructor. I could not have passed without his support and knowledge, so THANK...

Sittingbourne Electric Driving Lessons, Congratulations too Christina from Sittingbourne on a fantastic driving test pass on 1st June 2022. Christina had been taking lessons on and off due to covid restrictions for just over a year with our Sittingbourne based driving instructor John Edy.  Having...

Sunday Driving Test Pass, Congratulations to Solly from Higham on passing his driving test on 29th May. Solly is another pupil that has been taking lessons in his own car over recent months so the only thing different for him will be not having his...